Lacking Energy – Do You Need More Magnesium?
Since the 1950’s our food supply has seen a dramatic decline in vitamin and mineral content. Iodine and magnesium content in food has reduced by over 50%. This is due to soil vitamin and mineral deficiencies, food processing and poor food choices.. The process of...

Accelerate Commitment to Make Success Inevitable
Left to our own devices, we’ll probably go off the rails. Why? Partly due to the fact that we are too close to the situation and get ruled by our emotions and past habits. It’s easy to give up hope and lose motivation when we’re trying something new. I’ve found this...

One FREE & Easy Way to Boost Blog Traffic
Writing great content is one thing. People enjoying it and reading it is another. Praise One way to find out how well a piece of content is doing (on the front end, rather than the insights dashboards) is the “share rate”. As a piece of content gets shared online –...
About Rowanna
Medical and Health Freelance Copywriter | Best Selling Author | Inbound Marketing Strategist.